My Story

My path through the world of ceramics

I am Katja, and I make unique ceramics. I grew up on a farm, far away from the crazed outside world and was already as a little girl discovering an infinite world of imagination and creativity within myself. Then life happened and took me to the world of adulthood and responsibility. The world of survival, caring for kids and enterpreneuership.

But then some day, those childish dreams came back and the little voice in me became louder and clearer. And so it began… At first as an afternoon hobby, then an afternoon job, and last year I have finally decided to leave my main job of a lead accountant, and sail into the magical world of clay moulding. My hobby has finally become my job.

I conjure in Tomaj, a wonderful Karst village, where I have found my peace. A woman of Karst by heart and soul, I like to include Karst motives and materials in my works. In addition to useful ceramics, I make everything my heart desires, and am immensely happy when I discover the hidden corners of my being and when I etch stories from there, onto my sculptural works. I enjoy it, when my fingers sculpt the clay and look for the best expression of what is going around inside my head. I realise with gratitude, that I am actually living my dream.

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